Saturday, January 15, 2011

Harlequin Bugs and Redwoods

The recent invasion of Harlequin bugs has got me thinking about the effects of invasive species on agricultural systems and natural ecosystems in general. The speed at which these events take place is often only a few years. And the most discouraging part is that in the past when scientists have attempted to introduce natural enemies to biologically control a pest the results have often been even more disastrous, almost comical, like the prickly pear cactus in Australia, the cane toads, or the mongoose. It makes me wonder if chemicals would be a better alternative to a biological control for harlequin bugs if one of either should ever be found.
Here is a cool lecture from TED about coastal redwoods that includes the mass die off of trees in the Smokey Mountains.
Scientists are still discovering new species that are unique to individual trees in their canopies, how cool is that. The speaker also says that only 4% of old growth redwoods remain in California today, how uncool.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Delivery Calendar

Bi-weekly deliveries are scheduled for either even or odd weeks. If you get confused as to which schedule your on just email us.