Thursday, October 1, 2009

Week 3 Newsletter

October Fest

Last weekend I set up a farmer's market booth in Balboa Park for October Fest. I sold out of almost everything both days! Chinese Cabbage and squash were popular. Turnips were not. I met a lot off nice folks, and signed up a couple new CSA members. It was worth the trip just to enjoy the cool weather near the coast. George, my neighbor, said the temperature in Ramona was 106 and 108 over the weekend.

Rototiller Fix

The rototiller started making griding noises. I took it apart and found it was missing some pieces. Lowes shipped them here in 2 days and it's back up and running. It was a good time to lube everything and modify it a little. Removing the depth control linkage helped to make it till deeper and turn more easily.

Moving Chickens

I haven't been turning down any side jobs lately, no matter how odd. Last Friday I worked at a local egg ranch moving chickens. It was fun and the time flew by. Except the shoveling manure part. Here are some photos inside an egg ranch. I had to promise not to show any battery cages.

Years of playing goalie and chasing lizards has turned my little bro into an expert chicken catcher. Its almost like watching ' The Matrix'. My bro that is, not the battery cages.